The Sacred Lotus, also referred to as Indian Lotus, Bean
of India, or simply just Lotus, is one of two variants of aquatic plant in
the Nelumbonaceae family group.
This plant is an aquatic perennial. Under
beneficial conditions the seeds can stay viable for quite some time, with the
longest-existing documented lotus germination being from that of seeds 1300
years old retrieved from a dried up lake-bed in north eastern China.
The Sacred Lotus is indigenous to Tropical parts of Asia and also Queensland, Australia where it tends to be nurtured in water gardens. It is additionally the national flower of India and Vietnam.
The Sacred Lotus is indigenous to Tropical parts of Asia and also Queensland, Australia where it tends to be nurtured in water gardens. It is additionally the national flower of India and Vietnam.
Lotuses are typically presented in white as well as pink colours and develop in
shallow, sometimes murky waters. Lotus blossoms relish warm sunlight and are
intolerant to cold temperatures; for this reason the Lotus is not observed
blossoming in the winter months. The floating leaves of Lotus blossoms possess
lengthy stems, which contain air pockets designed to help them to sustain
their buoyancy.
The Sacred Lotus possesses natural substances that offer it numerous healing properties, to both the body as well as the mind.
The blossoms of the lotus flower possess a variety of effects. For instance being hypnotic, and also calming, as well as to help relax the nerves and the muscles. Restlessness and nervousness, as well as depressive disorders have been addressed traditionally utilizing the seeds, blossoms and also leaves of the Sacred Lotus. There are many reported pharmacologic researches of sacred lotus, which include its antioxidant, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, anti-infective, hyperlipidemic, as well as psychopharmacologic actions.
The Sacred Lotus continues to be placed in high esteem medicinally, in regions
in which it has been extensively grown and utilized for numerous ailments.
Apart from the consumption of the plant for foods and to support overall wellness, the lotus is also formulated as a flower essence, much like the Bach Flower Remedies.
Lotus essence continues to be well respected as an elixir for any ailment, acquiring a positive impact on the overall body. Lotus is believed to produce better assimilation of other natural herbs and herbal remedies, as well as an enhanced response to any kind of healing. The essence is utilized to assist in energising the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys as well as intestines, for tissues and skin cells rejuvenation, to curb the aging process, and is utilized as an over-all cleanser for the whole body system.
Lotus is furthermore believed to help
increase creative abilities and mind powers, as well as promote a sense of
ease and peacefulness.
Below are extracts from other respected websites:
The Lotus Flower, Hindu
God's Favourite Flower
Both in worship and in portrayals of the divine,
Hindus are infatuated with lotus flowers. The very name of the Hindu worship
ritual, puja, can be
translated as "flower act."
The lotus is the foremost symbol
of beauty, prosperity and fertility. According to Hinduism, within
each human is the spirit of the sacred lotus. It represents eternity, purity,
divinity, and is widely used as a symbol of life, fertility, ever-renewing
youth. The lotus is used to describe feminine beauty, especially female eyes.
One of the most common
metaphysical analogies compares the lotus' perennial rise to faultless beauty
from a miry environment to the evolution of consciousness, from instinctive
impulses to spiritual liberation.
In the Bhagavad Gita, a human
is adjured to be like the lotus; they should work without attachment,
dedicating their actions to God, untouched by sin like water on a lotus leaf,
like a beautiful flower standing high above the mud and water.
In the postures of hatha yoga, the
lotus position, padmasana, is
adopted by those striving to reach the highest level of consciousness, which
itself is found in the thousand-petalled lotus chakra at the top of the head.
For Buddhists, the lotus flower
symbolizes the most exalted state of human; head held high, pure and undefiled
in the sun, feet rooted in the world of experience.
There is a story that the lotus
arose from the navel of God Vishnu, and at the center of the flower sat Brahma. Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Protector) and Siva (the Merger) are
associated with this plant. There are also accounts of the world born through a
"Golden Lotus" and Padmakalpa, the Lotus Age in the Padmapurana (678
Extract from the website:
Some facts about Sacred Lotus:
- The Lotus is a sacred flower for Buddhists.
- The Lotus flower is quoted extensively in Puranic and Vedic literature.
- The Lotus is one of the eight auspicious signs of Buddhism - an eight petalled lotus used in Buddhist mandalas symbolizes cosmic harmony, a thousand petalled Lotus, spiritual illumination. A bud symbolizes potential. The well-known Buddhist mantra, "Om mane padme," refers to the jewel in the lotus, enlightenment.
- In Egyptian mythology, the Lotus is associated with the sun, because it bloomed by day and closed by night. The Lotus is even believed to have given birth to the sun.
- The roots of the Lotus are planted in the soil of the pond or river bottom, while the leaves float on top of the water surface. The Lotus flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimeters above the water.
- The Lotus flowers, seeds, young leaves and rhizomes are all edible. In Asia, the petals are sometimes used for garnish, while the large leaves are used as a wrap for food.
- Various parts of the sacred Lotus are also used in traditional Asian herbal medicine.
- The Lotus fruits are a conical pod with seeds contained in holes in the pod. Nucifera means having hard fruit. When the seeds are ripe, they become loose in the pod. The pod then tips down towards the water, releasing the seeds.
- When the Lotus flower's petals fall, they are replaced by a flat-topped seed pod divided into compartments, resembling a wasp's hive.
- The tender seeds are munched happily in north-east India.
- The Lotus stem is eaten almost in all parts of India, and pickled too.
- Nelumbium luteum is the American Lotus, with pale, small flowers.
- The Indian or Chinese Lotus, nelumbium nelumbo, usually has pink flowers although white, rose and double varieties are available.
Sacred Lotus Flower in dried form can be obtained from The Herb Shed
Botanical Name: Nelumbo nucifera
Status: Wild-crafted
Contraindications: Avoid use if hypersensitivity exists to any constituents of sacred lotus.
Adverse Reactions: Due to potential drug interactions, sacred lotus should be used cautiously by patients being treated for diabetes, high cholesterol, psychiatric or cardiac conditions, or erectile dysfunction.
All information on this site is for informational purposes only. We do stress that you should do your own research, or talk with your health professional if you suffer from an existing health condition, or if you are on other medication, prior to consumption of our products.