Saturday, 7 November 2015

Ashwagandha helps the Body Cope with Stress, Fights Ageing, Improves Memory, Enhances Sexual Desire and Performance

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb . Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicinal practice dating back some 5000 years . The practice consists of a number of disciplines , which include aromatherapy , herbal medicine , diet , acupuncture , massage , yoga , meditation and balancing of energies . The word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit , the classical Indian language associated with religions Buddhism , Hinduism and Jainism , to mean "the science of life" . Sanskrit is one of the 22 official languages of India . 
Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng , although it is not related in the botanical sense . Ashwagandha is typically used in traditional Indian medicine . 

Study into Ashwagandha’s powerful influence on the body has generated much interest , and research denotes Ashwagandha’s exciting potential for our health and well-being , specifically its effects on mental , physical , and emotional health .
Ashwagandha is employed as an “adaptogen” . An adaptogen in herbal medicine refers to a natural substance which assists the body to cope with everyday stress . Ashwagandha is furthermore used a general tonic for the entire body system .
Ashwagandha is utilized for enhancing thinking ability , decreasing pain and swelling (inflammation) , and preventing the effects of aging . Additionally it is used for fertility problems in men and women as well as to increase sexual desire .
Ashwagandha is in addition used in herbal medicine for such disorders as anxiety ,arthritis , fibromyalgia , backache , asthma , bronchitis , tuberculosis , tumours , insomnia , menstrual problems and chronic liver disease .
Ashwagandha helps with stress , both metabolic and emotional ( or physiological “of the living system “and psychological “of the mind” ) . Stress adversely impacts the entire body in many ways including its dramatic effect on aging . Cortisol , which is the body’s stress hormone , contributes towards muscle tissue loss and weakness , increases wrinkles , and reduces cognitive impairment . Research has discovered that ashwagandha enhances resistance to stress , possibly through lowering cortisol production . 

Ashwagandha works on the endocrine system , which is the glands that generate bodily hormones that regulate metabolism , growth and development , tissue function , sexual function , reproduction , sleep , and mood , among other things . Ashwagandha helps out by encouraging hormone balance .

The Kama Sutra , widely recognised as the ancient Indian Hindu authority on human sexual behaviour and human sexuality , mentions ashwagandha as a powerful sexual stimulant . Study does indicate that the herb will help support sexual health and vitality by enhancing blood flow and reducing tension in the body . Both women and men who take ashwagandha typically experience a boost in sexual desire and sexual satisfaction . 

Recent research indicates that ashwagandha assists in reducing memory impairment . The herb may also safeguard the human brain from the oxidative stress that leads to neurodegeneration ( progressive loss of the structure , function and death of neurons leading to diseases such as Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s , and Huntington’s ) . Relaxation , being a benefit of the herb’s stress-fighting effects , additionally enhances long-term visual memory . 

An additional benefit of ashwagandha is its ability to boost energy levels whilst reducing stress related issues when taken regularly . Ashwagandha is well known for its enhancing mood characteristics and may help out with mood balancing especially for women dealing with mood swings associated with hormone imbalances .

Actions : Adaptogenic , tonic , sedative 

Status : Organic 

Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera 

The Herb Shed has a wide range of organic medicinal herbs and herbal teas to assist with many ailments and health conditions, so visit their website today.

Download their free eBook - The How To Guide For Herbal Teas

All information on this blog is for informational intentions only . We stress that you should perform your own investigation , or talk with your health specialist if you suffer from a pre-existing health condition , or if you are on other medication , prior to consumption of our products .

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Damiana enhances Sexual Potency and Performance

Damiana is a very extraordinary herb , which has been used traditionally within the Mexican and South American cultures , such as The Mayans and The Aztecs , as a stimulant in the art of making love . The dried leaves have a sweet and very pleasing aromatic fragrance , more so than many other medicinal herbs . 

Damiana is a well-known aphrodisiac which is used to increase sexual potency in both men and women . It possesses the ability to restore libido and increase desire , and in women restores the ability to achieve and increase the intensity of orgasms . Damiana carries a twofold effect . It can work rapidly to stimulate the genital area by enriching the oxygen supply and with longer term use can enhance sexual fitness and overall performance .
Not only is Damiana a tonic for the sexual organs , it it also beneficial for the nervous system . Damiana relieves stress and anxiety ; it is calming and relaxing for the body and mind , and creates a feeling of well-being . Damiana brings about a soothing bliss and promotes pleasant dreams , sometimes of the erotic nature . Damiana is an all natural antidepressant to help alleviate low mood by uplifting ones spiritual essence . Damiana is useful for balancing the highs and lows of moods particularly those involved with hormones . It is often used for young adults to calm raging hormones , and also for women who experience Premenstrual tension ( PMT ) or for women in menopause for its mood balancing effects .

Damiana is also useful for individuals wishing to break away from a smoking addiction by being a pleasant smoking herb and a good substitute for tobacco . Damiana can be combined with Mullein for it’s lung restorative properties , even when smoked .
Damiana is most typically drank as a herbal tea or as a smoking alternative to tobacco . Some individuals also smoke it as an alternative to cannabis for its mild euphoric effect , especially for those individuals who are employed in sectors where random drug testing is undertaken as part of their employment .

Try our Damiana today.  Visit our Online Store at The Herb Shed

Botanical Name : Turnera aphrodisiaca
Status : Wild-crafted
Action : Damiana is an antidepressant , anti-anxiety , diuretic , reduces bed-wetting , relieves exhaustion, enhances libido and sexual performance.
All details on this site is for informative purposes only . We stress you should do your own personal research , or talk with your health specialist if you suffer from an existing health issue , or if you are on other prescription medication , prior to consumption of our products .

Friday, 16 October 2015

The Benefits of Raspberry Leaf for Expectant Mothers

Raspberry Leaf is a gentle digestive tonic, astringent and also soothing for upset stomachs, mouth ulcers and inflamed gums.

But it is surely best known for its benefits for expectant mothers . It tones as well as toughens the muscle tissues of the uterus , enabling it to achieve optimum condition for birth, for this reason its reputation for producing a swift and straightforward labour . It assists the contractions to become more efficient , also it will even help the uterus to get back to its ordinary size after childbirth . For utmost effect , commence taking Raspberry three months or so before the baby is due . Raspberry Leaf can be accompanied by relaxing and digestive herbs for instance Chamomile or Meadowsweet . Continue to take it for up to six weeks after the birth , particularly if labour was lengthy and difficult , or even if you have had several babies prior , to assist the uterine muscles restore their overall tone . 

Raspberry Leaf is typically consumed as a herbal tea for its numerous health benefits . To make a cup ( 250 mls ) use about 2 teaspoons , or for a pot of tea ( 1 litre ) use about 8 teaspoons , add boiling water and allow to brew for 5 -7 minutes . Further digestive herbs for instance Chamomile or Peppermint may be added to give an extra kick to increase both flavour as well as to boost digestive performance . Raspberry leaf herbal tea may be consumed either hot or cold , as it the case with many or perhaps all herbal teas .
Raspberry fruits and leaves are both high in antioxidants . Raspberry leaf consists of a number of therapeutic components , including tannin's , flavournoids , vitamin A , vitamin C , potassium , calcium , as well as phosphorus . The leaves of the raspberry plant have been employed as a medicinal natural herb for hundreds of years . Raspberry Leaves offer an abundant source of iron , calcium , manganese and also magnesium .

Botanical Name : Rubus idaeus

Status : Organic

Action : Raspberry is an astringent as well as a stimulant . It assists to prepare the womb for childbirth . Additionally it is a well-known digestive remedy . Raspberry leaves astringent and antiseptic capabilities can also help out with healing wounds and also preventing infection . 

You can purchase Raspberry Leaf from us today at The Herb Shed. Just click on the link below


Raspberries are among the best cherished summer time fruits . They are scrumptious enjoyed raw on their own , added to desserts or smoothies , or they may be made into jams, syrups, cordials as well as wines .


Raspberries are generally grown for its fruits , however the leaves may be gathered at any time throughout the growing season . The plants are propagated from suckers or layers , and they need a rich soil . If grown for fruit , the best crops come within the first four years .

All details of this site is designed for informative purposes only . We stress that you should carry out your own investigation , or have a discussion with your health professional if you suffer from a pre-existing health condition , or if you are on various other medication , prior to consuming our products.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Peppermint for Cooling a Fever, Reduce Pain and Inflammation and Ease Digestion

There are many members of the Mint (Mentha) family , all of which have been put to use at some stage in both healing and cooking , but the best for medicinal use is Peppermint (Menta piperita).
Peppermint is an extremely popular medicinal herb with many different uses and therapeutic applications . Its sharp menthol odour , refreshing flavour , and also cooling sensation tends to make this medicinal herb a favourite flavouring for herbal tea . 

Peppermint herbal tea , brewed from the plant’s leaves , is among the most extensively consumed herbal teas .
Peppermint carries traditional folk remedy uses as a pain reliever and numerous studies have verified the assertion .
Peppermint with its underlying bitterness assists to stimulate the flow of digestive juices . It also helps with wind and has colic calming actions . It may be chewed to relieve toothache , or simply taken to aid anything from feelings of nausea and vomiting (which includes pregnancy sickness) to bowel disorders such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease .
Peppermints' additional key claim to fame is in the treatment of colds , influenza and catarrh. The oil in Peppermint possesses a penetrating quality , aiding to get mucus moving even during chronic sinusitis . Apart from being taken internally , it may be inhaled – try it along with other oils for instance Blue Gum Tree/Stringy Bark Tree (Eucalyptus), Thyme (Thymus) and Pine (Pinus) or place in a poultice for chest complaints .
Peppermint is a cooling medicinal herb , which will assist to reduce a fever if necessary . For colds and flus make use of it with Yarrow (Achillea) , Elder (Sambucus) and Echinacea/Coneflower (Echinacea).
Nowadays, modern day research has continued to demonstrate that peppermint is among nature’s most valuable herbal remedies .

Give versatile Peppermint a try in Herbal Tea on its own, or with other complimentary herbs to assist with many different kinds of ailments. Visit us today at our Online Store at The Herb Shed
Botanical Name : Mentha x piperita
Status : Organic
Actions : Peppermint lessens muscle spasm and also joint inflammation . It is a digestive tonic , and it will help lessen vomiting , flatulence , and even gastric discomfort .
Culinary :
Peppermint may be used in cooking food and often is , albeit Spearmint ( Mentha spicata ) is the more regular choice .
Cultivation :
Peppermint is a lover of damp places , riverbanks , water , meadows and even waste ground ; Peppermint will nevertheless tolerate almost all conditions , so long as the soil is rich enough . It spreads by runners , most likely more quickly than you would like it to . Pick the leaves , or cut stems just before the flowers open up . 

Other Members of the Mentha family
There are actually now dozens of individual cultivars of mentha , along with the older varieties . It can be variegated (meaning having or consisting of leaves that are edged or patterned in a second color) or curly , rather tall and slender or even practically invisible (Mentha requieni , or Corsican mint). There are numerous scents , which includes apple , ginger , pineapple and even eau de cologne . The one which continues to be most valued in cooking food however is Mentha spicata (Spearmint). Less bitter as compared to Peppermint , it is no less powerful as a digestive . It may be added to salads , used to garnish cooked vegetables, minted peas and minted potatoes spring to mind as favourites, as well as eaten with red meat , particularly lamb as it marries well with the rich flavour . Just a little mint in a fruit dessert will also help to give contrast to the sweeter flavours .
Another well-known member of the mint family is Mentha pulegium (Pennyroyal), which is a creeping mint often planted between paving stone. It had been traditionally employed to bring on late periods; possibly a euphemism for a home abortion , an extremely risky practice and one not to be recommended .

All specifics of this site is for informational intentions only . We do stress that you should undertake your own research , or have a conversation with your health professional if you suffer from a pre existing health condition , or if you are on other medical treatment , prior to consuming our products .