Tuesday 22 September 2015

Herbs For Helping To Return To Normal Sleep Patterns

Sleeplessness or insomnia may have many causes , which is certainly not so surprising when you think about these fast paced times at we live in . 

We live our lives with constant inflow and outflow of information at our finger tips scarcely leaving us "time out" to allow our minds and bodies to rest , recoup and repair .
So frequently we hear that people are getting less and less sleep . 
Recent studies confirm that teenagers particularly are losing sleep from being constantly attached to their mobile devices ; illuminated screens contribute in sending the wrong signals to their brains that prevent normal sleep patterns being achieved . Adults are similarly affected , finding it difficult to escape from work phone calls and clients emails even when on vacations . 
The information age , while it has many advantages also has many disadvantages , one of these is our inability to set aside time to calm our minds . Our over active minds send thousands of thoughts bouncing around preventing us from getting a good night's sleep .
A lack of routine can also be a major cause of sleeplessness . Just like when we were babies we needed a regular and stable routine for sleeping ; those same routines that served us so well then also serve us well as adults if we are to enjoy restful productive sleep. Our bodies need routine .
Other causes may include diet , too much food , too little food , eating inappropriate types of food at the inappropriate times of day or too much caffeine . Other causes that contribute to lack of sleep may include our work , too much to do , not enough time , the list goes on . 

These stressors all build up , which may start with irregular sleep and in much more serious cases may result in fatigue and exhaustion . If we do not pay attention to the early signs that our bodies tell us at the time , these early signs which are easier to remedy may become more challenging if we wait for much more serious symptoms to occur , which have the potential to result in a long hard road to recovery . A shorter road to return to health is an infinitely more preferable option . I think you probably would agree , its best to not ignore the early signs .
Ok , so we've looked at some of the causes . Now , let's look at some of the all natural herbs that can assist in returning normal sleep patterns . Many herbs work well in unison and compliment each other .
Passionflower : Passiflora Incarnata 

Passionflower is the first herb of choice for those who are not able to sleep . It helps to ensure a restful night , without any hangover feeling next morning , unlike many conventional sleep medications . Its sedative quality also makes it useful for those affected by anxiety and nervousness .
Valerian : Valeriana Officinalis
Valerian is regarded as the best herbal sedatives , gently calming anxiousness and easing muscular tension , acting on body , mind and spirit . It has an instant effect , useful for those who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks , or if nervous tension exists hindering you from falling asleep or waking later on in the night .
Wild Lettuce : Lactuca Virosa
All members of the lettuce family contain opiate like substances which are sedative and pain relieving . It is mild enough for children and does not depress digestion like opiate-based drugs . It calms excitability and nervous tension , and can assist with children who are hyperactive , or who are not able to sleep . For adults too , it is a valuable remedy for sleeplessness and anxiety .
Chamomile : Matricaria Rectita or Chamomilla
Chamomile is among the herbal all-rounders , useful for all kinds of problems . It will calm anxiety and relax tension both physical and emotional . Like Wild Lettuce it is very useful also for children who are hyperactive or have trouble sleeping .
Hops : Humulus Lupulus
Hops is a mild sedative . It can help to ease anxiety and tension , calm restlessness and bring peaceful sleep . It is well complimented by Valerian , Passionflower , and Wild Lettuce .
Should you be seeking an all natural sleep alternative then visit our online store today at www.theherbshed.com.au where you will find all of these sleep assistance herbs available for purchase .
All information on this blog may be used for informational purposes only . We do stress that you should do your own research , or talk with your health professional if you suffer from a pre-existing health issue , or if you are on other prescription medication , prior to consumption of our products .

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