Thursday 29 October 2015

Damiana enhances Sexual Potency and Performance

Damiana is a very extraordinary herb , which has been used traditionally within the Mexican and South American cultures , such as The Mayans and The Aztecs , as a stimulant in the art of making love . The dried leaves have a sweet and very pleasing aromatic fragrance , more so than many other medicinal herbs . 

Damiana is a well-known aphrodisiac which is used to increase sexual potency in both men and women . It possesses the ability to restore libido and increase desire , and in women restores the ability to achieve and increase the intensity of orgasms . Damiana carries a twofold effect . It can work rapidly to stimulate the genital area by enriching the oxygen supply and with longer term use can enhance sexual fitness and overall performance .
Not only is Damiana a tonic for the sexual organs , it it also beneficial for the nervous system . Damiana relieves stress and anxiety ; it is calming and relaxing for the body and mind , and creates a feeling of well-being . Damiana brings about a soothing bliss and promotes pleasant dreams , sometimes of the erotic nature . Damiana is an all natural antidepressant to help alleviate low mood by uplifting ones spiritual essence . Damiana is useful for balancing the highs and lows of moods particularly those involved with hormones . It is often used for young adults to calm raging hormones , and also for women who experience Premenstrual tension ( PMT ) or for women in menopause for its mood balancing effects .

Damiana is also useful for individuals wishing to break away from a smoking addiction by being a pleasant smoking herb and a good substitute for tobacco . Damiana can be combined with Mullein for it’s lung restorative properties , even when smoked .
Damiana is most typically drank as a herbal tea or as a smoking alternative to tobacco . Some individuals also smoke it as an alternative to cannabis for its mild euphoric effect , especially for those individuals who are employed in sectors where random drug testing is undertaken as part of their employment .

Try our Damiana today.  Visit our Online Store at The Herb Shed

Botanical Name : Turnera aphrodisiaca
Status : Wild-crafted
Action : Damiana is an antidepressant , anti-anxiety , diuretic , reduces bed-wetting , relieves exhaustion, enhances libido and sexual performance.
All details on this site is for informative purposes only . We stress you should do your own personal research , or talk with your health specialist if you suffer from an existing health issue , or if you are on other prescription medication , prior to consumption of our products .

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