Saturday 10 October 2015

Passionflower - A Mild Sedative To Help With Sleep and Anxiety

Certain natural herbs provide clues to their virtues in their particular names. The name Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) raises thoughts or visions of hot , steamy situations of passion or desire , however the effects of Passionflower are entirely the opposite ; instead of raising fire , it helps to calm it down . 

Native Americans were the first known traditional peoples to have discovered a use for Passionflower , a flowering vine thought to have originated in the South Eastern states of America . The leaves , blossoms as well as the fruit of Passiflora incarnata were all considered beneficial . The roots have not been observed as possessing any special healing or recuperative properties . 

Settlers in the Americas were responsible for expanding the usage of passionflower as a sedative throughout the world once they learned from local inhabitants of its variety of medicinal uses . The Spanish renamed it the “passion flower” as a result of its remarkable physical appearance , which reminded them of the crown of thorns , associated with the Passion of Christ . 

Passionflower is a gentle sedative and tranquilizer . It calms twitching as well as muscle tenseness without impacting respiratory rate or psychological functionality the manner in which many pharmaceutical sedatives do , which makes it a powerful herbal and natural remedy . It’s balancing therapeutic powers result from the plant’s alkaloids and bioflavonoids, distinctive chemical substances that interact favorably with the body’s very own methods to sustain mental and physical well being and also sense of balance .

Passionflower is the first preference for people who have difficulties getting to sleep . It assists to ensure a restful night’s slumber without the hangover sensation next morning , which comes with many conventional sleeping medications .
Its sedative attributes additionally make it effective for individuals who are afflicted by anxiousness and nervousness . In any circumstances in which emotional stress is an issue Passionflower may be worth giving a try . 
Take Passionflower last thing at night time for sleep problems ( insomnia ) , or on a regular basis during the day for nervous conditions . 
Passionflower is most beneficial consumed as a herbal tea . Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the leaves to hot boiling water and steep for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Passionflower is an antispasmodic as well as mildly painkilling therefore may be used to help deal with illnesses involving pain , and can lessen the physiological and emotional tension connected with asthma . The fruits of certain varieties are both edible and delicious . They are consumed raw , prepared I a number of ways , and can be juiced .

Botanical Name : Passiflora incarnata
Action : A gentle sedation natural herb which is excellent in the treatment of sleep problems, nervousness and anxiousness . An anti-spasmodic relaxing muscles and reducing tension .
Status : Organic 

Passionflower is great on its own, or can be combined with other herbs for their complimentary properties, such as Chamomile, Hops, St John's Wort, Valerian, or Wild Lettuce.
All information on this blog is for informational objectives only . We do stress that you ought do your own investigation , or speak to your health professional if you are suffering from an existing health condition , or if you are on other medical treatment , prior to consuming our products .

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